Sunday, January 4, 2015


I don't do "resolutions," but I'm always working on improvements. The sign at the fitness center said, "I don't believe in New Year resolutions, but in daily resolutions." I love this. I think a resolution for a whole year is a little hard to do and sets you up for failure. I think having goals, and thinking about how to achieve them is important, too. I make goals for "the year," at the beginning of the year, that help me think about things, but they are loose and flexible. I think about whether I am meeting my goals, sometimes daily, sometimes monthly, but at least quarterly. Sit back and I'll tell you the story of my resolution at the beginning of 2014 and how if I had thought about it as a New Year's Resolution, I might have not achieved it.

Last year, at the beginning of the year, my goal was to add more strength building to my life. I started off trying yoga; I figured I could use a little extra stretching and building strength at the same time. Eh. Yoga doesn't like my body. I'm very flexible and I overstretch in classes and my back and legs were hurting. I kind of liked Bikram, but it wasn't at a convenient studio. So ix-nay on the oga-ya.

Most of the year went on with me doing my usual one Pilates class a week. It's Pilates on the reformer and it's good, but once a week is not enough. It's also very expensive so I didn't want to just add another session of it. In the fall, I added a cheaper class with a friend, but it wasn't at a great time for my schedule so I would go as often as I could, but I only got about 8 or so classes in during the 17-ish weeks of fall. (It's also a class that is okay, but not my favorite workout--2 strikes.)

I had a hard time finding a class that fit into my schedule, that I enjoyed, and that worked for my body. FINALLY, in November, I found a class that fit my schedule and seems to make my body happy.  It's a Body Pump class and it's on Saturday afternoons--a perfect time! It's at the gym that is close to my house! It is FREE (with the membership that we already pay); that makes it even more exciting!

I count finding this class in November as a WIN for my resolution last January. I don't think resolutions have to be done by a certain date, if I did I might have just written it off and not worried about it.

This year, again, the goal is more strength building classes.  Right now, it will be Thursday and Saturday and after the month of January is over, I should be able to add in one more class with my bestest colleague at work. (We have a BIG meeting in January at the end of the month and meetings during the time we'd like to do a class.) 

I have more goals, but I'll save them for another post.

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