Monday, August 27, 2012

The most important meal of the day

A review of a new recipe
I  made the raw power-packed pumpkin pie buckwheat breakfast that my happy healthy friend recommended.  I had it for breakfast yesterday.  My first thought when I tasted it was, well, at least it's convenient.  My second thought was, maybe the flavors need to blend a little more and then it will be tastier.  My third thought was, maybe I need to get used to it.

I really wanted to like it, it has so many good things in it.

I ate it, Friday (about 8 am), because it so convenient.  Then I went to my incredibly fast-paced Zumba class, came home, straightened up the house (the cleaners were coming), and wasn't hungry until around 12:30 pm.  Whoa.  It was a good breakfast.  Usually, I'm starving after a couple of hours.

On Saturday morning, I was running out the door to take the girls to gymnastics and I realized I hadn't eaten. I'd gotten up really early to meet my class online and then I did some other work.  As usual, I was running late to leave.  I wasn't sure what I could eat 'cause it was TIME TO GO.  Nick, my husband, reminded me of the breakfast pudding (as we're calling it).  I thought, "Okay, well, it's convenient," and grabbed a bowl.  This morning, the flavors were more married and it tasted better.  I don't know if it's me getting used to it, or it aging well, but I will probably give the recipe another shot--not right away.  It totally wins because it is SUPER easy to grab a bowl and eat it.  We'll see if it keeps me full for as long as it did yesterday.  

My notes on the recipe
I didn't add any dates or any maple syrup to my version.  I only used a little stevia and banana for sweetner. Adding either date or maple syrup might have made the taste a little smoother and maybe I'd have enjoyed the buckwheat recipe more, however, I don't like to add too much sugar, even if it's natural like maple syrup or dates.  Also, Happy Healthy and Oh She Glows both recommended keeping out 1/2 the groats to add after the blending so you have a "textured" pudding.  Um, no.  I did that, tried it, and didn't like the texture at all.  Since I hadn't emptied it the blender, I added all the groats and blended until everything was smooth.  Other folks may like the texture with some of the pieces being hard/chewy, but all I could think was "crun-chewy" which was a word used in bad 80s (maybe even 70s) dog food commercials.  

Finally, I only made 1/2 the recipe that Happy Healthy and Oh She Glows made.  I didn't want to be committed for 4-5 breakfasts.  With the half recipe, I committed to 2-3.  I finished eating it this morning. I'll let you know if I "fall in love" with this recipe. Right now, it's convenient, good for me, and a breakfast that will take me all the way through an intense workout and beyond.  I will make it again, and give it another chance*.  I'll keep you posted.  

*I know that for some foods it takes 4-5 (or more) tries to like something.  If the recipe wasn't so easy and if it wasn't so darn convenient to eat in the morning, I'm not sure I'd give it another try, however, it rocks in that department.  I'm also going to try some of the other "prepare the night before" and eat in the morning breakfasts that Oh She Glows has.  I'll let you know what I think.  I've never tried them before.  I really like making (oat bars) and (scones) and (my PB cookies) as grab and go breakfasts, but prepared the night before cereals could be a new thing for more variety.  I'm thinking of trying the green monster overnight oats!

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