Sunday, June 3, 2012

3rd Bikram Class: A report

No recipes ahead, just an entry about my experiences in Bikram.  I have now gone to 3 Bikram classes.  I am thrilled I survived them all!  I find it so challenging to want to go to 105 degrees.  I have a trial membership to do as many classes as I want in 30 days.  Unfortunately, as many classes as I want will only be 1-2 a week or 4-8 total. 

Last week, despite my best intentions, I only made it to 1 Bikram class. Part of the difficulty in finding a time to go is that I want to go with my friend.  I don't yet feel comfortable going on my own.  When starting up something new, it is SO nice to have a friend who encourages you! 

This week, my friend and I know we can go on Friday, but our schedules are insane.  It's the end of the school year.  There are lots of things going on at school and outside of school, for me and my girls it's the week of our dance show!  We have rehearsals, costume checks, and pictures every night except for Thursday.  (All my girls and me are dancing in the show!)

Oh, back to Bikram--that's what this post is about.  After the first class, I was not really sore, but I hadn't pushed it.  My upper back felt like it had been worked and stretched, but in a good way.  After the second class, I pushed it more but afterwards I felt really good.  I felt like I'd really worked my legs and back and all felt re-aligned and like it could be getting strong.  (I was a little sore, but in a very good way.) Yesterday, I pushed it more and now my left hip is hurting.  I don't know if it's hurting because of Bikram or because we went to a movie* last night (MiB 3).  I love movies, but I hate sitting for 2 hours + in those chairs!!

Also, my right foot, the arch, is also hurting a little.  It could have been from 1) stretching in Bikram, 2) practicing my tap dance in socks (see above, dance show next week), 3) wearing shoes with really high arch supports as we walked around a tile show room for 2 hours in the afternoon, or 4) all of the above.

Oh yea, I'm still supposed to be talking about Bikram, not my aches and pains.  I really like the two sequences of poses in Bikram that work the thighs.  If you want to see a 90-minute class condensed into 2 minutes, take a look at this video. My favorites are at ~30 - 40 seconds and then again at ~1 minute 20 seconds.

I'm heading back to Bikram this week.  I love how much Bikram challenges me on my balance.  I personally find it interesting how much more balance I have when I stand on my right leg than my left.  I hope this means that if I work the left side, it will get better. I'll keep you posted with another boring update like this. Have a great Sunday!

*Yay!  A date night!  That is rare around here!

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