Wednesday, January 9, 2013


It's not always food around here.

This article discusses research about why we always need to keep moving.  They found that there were brain benefits, if you were a running rat, in that you'll be able to do mazes much faster.  But if you're a running rat, and your New Year's resolution slips, and you stop running, you'll lose that ability and be "just a normal rat" in just a few weeks  I'm guessing the same holds for humans--if we don't move it, we lose it.

This year, not very different from last year, has had 9 days in it so far.  I've had two trips to the zoo (lots of walking), one 3 mile hike, two hip hop classes, two days of just walking and working on the treadmill, one pilates workout, one tap class, and today, two hip hop classes (yes, two in one day!  One with Natalie and then mine).

Move!  It does a body good! 

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