Monday, April 23, 2012

to all things green

It's the first post. It'll probably be a little awkward, but then it'll be over and we can get on with things. This blog will be a place where I'll mostly muse about eating a plant-based diet, and share recipes and research on eating plant-based and being healthy! It's called very, very, very green because very green and very, very green were already taken. Someday, someone else will need to be very, very, very, very green, but that's not me. I'm only very x 3. Saying very3 times in a row is a little silly, but it's okay and I like the name because 3 is my favorite number--you'll learn about that along the way.

Back to the subject, I like it green! I am a huge fan of the taste of green. The greener the better! Kale, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, brussel sprouts, collard greens, asparagus, mustard greens, rapini, tatsoi, bok choy, oh how I love you all! (And we can't forget cucumbers, kiwi, edamame,and peas!!)

As I do more research, I'll also discuss a plant-based diet for kids. Last week, my oldest daughter decided to give up milk and all dairy products. She still eats eggs, but is quickly becoming plant-based. It's all good, I just want to make sure we do this plant-based (nearly vegan) thing right and that we are eating for optimal health. I have two other little lacto-ovo vegetarians in my house. Making sure these kidlets eat well is something very important to me.

I myself eat a completely plant-based diet and have for 2-ish years.  I started my transition to being plant-based/vegan in 2009, and realized it sometime in 2010. However, I have been working on making healthier food choices since 2000. I was vegetarian for my college years through 2000, and had a brief stint eating (some) meat when I was pregnant with the girls, but I've been vegetarian most of my adult life.

On other subjects, I'll occasionally talk about doing good (green) things for the earth. I try to do green things, but that's not the main focus of this blog, except, of course the intersection between eating green and being green. Eating green helps our planet. (See Holy Cow! What's Good for You Is Good for Our Planet, a short introduction to this concept, or even more.)

I'll also talk about exercise here, not because it's green (though you can wear a green outfit), but because I think being active and fit through exercise is as important to your body as putting good food in it. I hypothesize, that exercise can mitigate the effects of eating a poor diet (a little). We'll talk more about that another day, though. (I would have gone with the name dancing broccoli, but it's already taken.)

Okay, that's all for now, in the meantime, think green--very, very, very green!

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