I was going to start the year with a reflective post about the last 8 years and our diet. Hrm, it might have been boring. I haven't gotten it done--it's started. I think might break it up and post it in more digestible bites (pun intended since this is a food blog primarily).
It's always so hard for me to get back to blogging after a time off, so this is that first awkward post that just gets things going again. So, what are we talking about, today? My treadmill desk!
Below is a picture of my corner in our new office (in our new house). On the front half of the office is a desk that is Nick's. My area, shown below, shows my treadmill desk. Yes, I walk on my treadmill desk and do work when ever I can! I get to work at home at least once a week, and often twice.
I have no problem walking when I'm reading and answering emails, answering student questions from my class, writing simpler documents, or taking phone calls (though I often just pace around the house when I'm on the phone so that it's quieter). I can successfully multi-task on all those tasks.
[Sidebar: There are studies that say we can't multi-task; I agree it is challenging and while I might be slower, so that I'm still accurate on my tasks, I don't think I am noticeably slower. Walking is a very automatic task and I don't think it's taking very many cognitive resources (for me). Plus, walking on the treadmill keeps me engaged in my tasks longer so if I am slower, it's okay. I'm committed to being there and getting things done. Walking and working WORK for me. To me, it is worth any slight speed trade-off to MOVE and work at the same time. I like accomplishing two things at once.]

This picture was taken right after we moved in and we hadn't gotten pictures on the wall. Now this picture hangs over my treadmill desk. Click, it's worth it! I've had my treadmill desk at home for 1 and 1/2 years and I love it. I'm so glad I decided to do it.
If you have any questions, just ask! (See Treadmill Desk V.1 here)
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